Conquer Your Health & Fitness Goals in 2019

It’s officially a new year and you know what that means…it’s time for NEW health & fitness goals! Whether you choose to look at it as a new year’s resolution or general self-improvement, we are here to help you on your journey.

How will you make an impact on your mind, body & spirit in 2019?

At our dojo, we truly care about each of our incredible students. Part of Total Impact’s mission is to make sure we support our students’ wellbeing and help them in achieving their goals. The first step toward personal growth is identifying the areas of your life that you want to improve or be different. Next comes goal setting; creating specific & attainable goals. Then the fun part begins, actually doing the work to make your vision a reality!

A few ideas to get you started….
  • Children: Earn a higher belt rank, become faster at running, break your push-up & sit-up records, eat more vegetables, or compete in a tournament!
  • Adults: Burn a specific percent of body fat, learn how to protect yourself from an attack, cut out sugary drinks/desserts, or try a new fitness activity & stick to it!

5 Tips for Conquering Your Health & Fitness Goals in 2019

  1. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Repeatable and Timed. If your goal is too vague, it’s less likely to be accomplished. Make sure the goal has a measurable factor within a certain time frame, and of course that it’s realistic!
  2. Focus on the journey: Very often we focus on the final destination rather than enjoying the experience. Remember to take time to acknowledge the small victories along the way! Every milestone is important. You may learn valuable lessons along the way…
  3. Take it slow and steady: Don’t make too many changes at once. Choose one habit to eliminate or one goal to work on at a time, then move on to the next thing. Building habits takes time and patience. Trust the process!
  4. Find an accountability buddy: If you have a friend working towards their own goals, you can use each other for motivation! Join a group fitness class to workout with like-minded people. Sign up for a healthy cooking class to learn new recipes. You’ll increase your chances of success!
  5. Have fun! Taking our health & fitness goals to the extreme can make it feel like a chore and turn into something we dread. Instead, try to view your goals as something exciting that you deserve and will improve your quality of life. Maybe plan a celebration once you achieve your goal? If you slip up, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back on the wagon and try again.


Are you ready to get started? We’re here to help!

Crushing our goals takes dedication, hard work and perseverance. Total Impact Martial Arts & Fitness offers exciting and innovative programs that will help you reach all of your health, fitness and martial art goals. If you, or your child, is looking for a positive environment to train and achieve life changing results, you have come to the right place!



Total Impact Martial Arts offers HIGH ENERGY, engaging martial arts programs to help students of all ages reach their unique health, fitness, and martial arts goals!