fitness goals

Martial Arts for Adults Over 50: Tips for Training Safely!

Martial Arts for Adults Over 50: Tips for Training Safely!

The new year brings new challenges and exciting opportunities. Have you set any health resolutions or fitness goals for the year ahead? Is this the year you’ll commit to fitness, start moving more, and possibly even try something new? As we get older, we understand the thought of trying something new (especially when it comes…

Transform Your Life Inside & Out with Fitness Kickboxing & MMA

It’s that time of year again – when most of us resolve to focus on our health and fitness! Have you come up with new goals for 2024 yet? Are you feeling tired of the same old boring workout routine? If you’re feeling inspired to transform your life and get back into shape this New…
Fighting off the Winter Blues with Martial Arts - Total Impact

Fighting Off the Winter Blues with Martial Arts

Most people only view martial arts as a workout that helps you stay in shape and learn useful self-defense skills. While that may be true, this type of training offers so much more! Martial arts training provides many natural mental health benefits that are often overlooked. Kickboxing can help improve your mood, fight off the…