Little Ninja’s LOVE Ninja Trix at Total Impact!

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Fall is upon us! The leaves are falling and so is the temperature. It’s the perfect time to get your energetic little ones involved with a fun indoor activity that doesn’t involve an LED screen and a 5G connection.
Channel your kid’s energy positively by enrolling them in Total Impact’s Little Ninja’s program! We have recently started integrating an exciting NEW component to our regular Little Ninja’s pre-k karate program…introducing Ninja Trix!
Ninja Trix is a unique sport discipline that teaches the three segments of Ninja Training: Martial Arts, Gymnastics, and Parkour! Our program was developed by lifelong martial artists, gymnastics coaches and parkour enthusiasts to create a totally new, totally engaging, totally crazy fun sport. Your kid may just be the next Ninja Warrior!

Learn more about this fun, healthy, and engaging way to keep children active during the cold months ahead…

What is the Little Ninja’s Program?

Our youngest students start training as early as four years old! The Total Impact Little Ninja’s program is geared towards children, ages 4-5 years old and is considered a pre-karate program. In the Little Ninja program, students will learn martial arts techniques equivalent to our white and ½ yellow belt in the children’s program.

It is a fun, high energy, developmental program that will prepare your child for the Total Impact Martial Arts Children’s program. All little Ninja’s receive a camouflage belt and achieve stripes until they can graduate to white belt. This is a reward driven program that promotes positive learning and team building.

More About Ninja Trix

Ninja Trix is a fun new component we are combining with our Little Ninja’s program. It encompasses all the benefits and components of three areas:

Martial Arts: Our Ninjas will begin their path with foundational martial arts skills taught in a fun, safe, and challenging environment. The martial arts skills taught will lay the foundation for a well-rounded Ninja, while building the confidence to take on the next Ninja challenge!

Gymnastics: Every Ninja needs gymnastics skills! Our Ninjas will progress through the Ninja Levels while learning tumbling skills to increase body awareness, physical strength, fitness levels, balance, and coordination skills. Ninjas will progress through these skills while gaining new-found confidence and having a great time!

Parkour: Parkour is the sport of moving rapidly through an area while negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing. Our Ninjas will learn parkour techniques to navigate through obstacle courses designed to keep them challenged, smiling and wanting to step up to their next Ninja Level!

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What are the Benefits of Starting Kids Karate at a Young Age?

We like to say the earlier, the better! It’s never too soon to teach positive values, healthy habits, and important life skills to children. For the young ones, Little Ninjas combined with Ninja Trix will help kids ages 4 and 5 years old learn body awareness, develop team building skills, practice discipline, and boosts their confidence. The list of benefits goes on and on…

Total Impact’s children’s martial arts programs teach children:

  • Anti-Bullying Strategies
  • Discipline & Respect
  • Improved Focus & Listening
  • Increased Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Healthy Choices
  • Friendship Building

Learn more about the many benefits of children’s martial arts on our blog!

After-School and Weekend Offerings

Total Impact Martial Arts is proud to offer a class schedule full of opportunities for your child to succeed! Our Little Ninja’s classes are 30 minute sessions on Wednesdays at 4:30 PM and Saturdays at 9:00 AM. This program is designed to entertain, excite and motivate our Lil’s while learning foundational skills in all three sports, Martial Arts, Gymnastics and Parkour. Your Ninja will fine tune motor skills with our challenging, fun classes while developing that positive Ninja Trait of “CAN DO”!

As a parent, it may be difficult to find the right after school or weekend program for your child. Here’s what a few parents had to say about their 5-star experience with Total Impact:

“Parents enjoy bringing their children. Our kids have been students for many years and this place is like a second family. The staff really likes to see each and every student succeed and understands that all kids are not created equal. Kids come out of class with smiles on their faces after every class.”
– Christine

“I have 2 sons who have been at Total Impact for 5 months now, and they love it! Sensei Brian is great and very respectful. I love this place and I can’t wait for my youngest son to be ready for Total Impact.”
– Tom

“We love watching our son grow in confidence and skill level with Total Impact. Brian and his team are the most patient, kind and knowledgeable group.”
– Sarah

Click here to read more 5-star reviews from parents on Google!

Does the Little Ninja’s program sound like something your child would LOVE? Total Impact’s pre-k kids karate program combined with our new Ninja Trix components are the perfect way to get your little one active, engaged, and socializing this school year and into the winter months!

Ready to secure your child’s spot in this FUN, high energy program? Enroll them in a productive after-school class that will boost their confidence, enhance their soft skills, and provide a healthy outlet for their energy this fall.

Reach out to us for more information on signing up for this EXCITING youth karate program!

Questions? Call (224) 248-8692 or email us today!

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” align=”center”][us_cta title=”Help Your Child Become a Little Ninja Today!” title_tag=”h3″ btn_label=”Register Here!” btn_link=”|title:Free%20Intro%20Class|target:_blank” btn_style=”8″ css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22margin-top%22%3A%2230px%22%7D%7D”]Enroll your little one with Total Impact…[/us_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]



Total Impact Martial Arts offers HIGH ENERGY, engaging martial arts programs to help students of all ages reach their unique health, fitness, and martial arts goals!