Sensei’s Top Five Tips for Healthy Families

Let’s spring into action now that the winter weather is behind us! Exercise promotes lifelong benefits for everyone: strength conditioning, muscle coordination, good posture, balance, increased emotional well being and much more!

Shihan Brian would love to see all of Total Impact’s students living their best life possible. Here are a few tips for creating a healthy lifestyle just in time for summer…

Sensei’s Top Five Tips:   

#1: Keep Active

All of us need to get up from our desks at work or encourage kids to take a break from their screen. It’s been a long winter and our bodies are craving movement and fresh air. Build regular physical activity into your family’s daily routine. Whether that is a weekend bike ride, taking a walk after school, playing catch or learning martial arts.

#2: Walk Instead of Drive

Heading to the neighborhood park, school or local library? The sun is shining and the weather has warmed up, making walking a very enjoyable option!

#3: Make Food Fun

Inspire your kids to eat more fruits and vegetables by bringing them to the store and letting them pick out one new fruit and vegetable to try each week. Ask them to help you cut, peel or slice the produce. The earlier kids are involved in the kitchen, the sooner healthy eating habits are established!

#4: Pack Your Own Healthy Snacks

Cut-up veggies and fruits in portion-sized containers for easy, healthy snacking on the go. This eliminates the added sugars, preservatives and sodium in packaged foods.

#5: Educate Yourself and Others

Do you know what the salty six is for kids? Check out this helpful infographic that can guide both children and adults in what foods to avoid. Teach your children why certain foods are unhealthy for them, show them how to read nutrition labels and explain how it will make their bodies stronger and happier in the long run!

Setting goals in the spring season will have you & your family reaching their top fighting shape when summer arrives! Imagine motivating each other to practice healthy habits and continue creating new goals so that everyone can celebrate success together.
At Total Impact, our programs work in partnership with you by creating confident, strong, and healthy students of all ages. Healthy habits build the foundation for active, strong adults and inspire the hope for future generations. When you invest in your mind, body and spirit, you can be sure to enjoy the benefits for years to come! Are you ready to make an impact on your family’s health and fitness habits? The Total Impact team is here to guide you in your journey!

The Total Impact System

The Total Impact System blends multiple styles together to create a well rounded system which utilizes techniques of American, Chinese, Israeli, Japanese, and Korean origins, including: Bu Kyoku Ryu karate, Kickboxing/Boxing, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Judo & Jiu-Jitsu. It is about growing and continuing the evolution of martial arts by combining the best techniques from the various styles into one program. Total Impact Martial Arts & Fitness offers exciting and innovative programs that will help you reach all of your health, fitness and martial art goals!



Total Impact Martial Arts offers HIGH ENERGY, engaging martial arts programs to help students of all ages reach their unique health, fitness, and martial arts goals!